Tuesday 19 February 2013

My List

I now realise why people think accountants are dull, sat in front of Microsoft Excel day in and day out, working hard to get the correct figures for the company, only to get told the figures from "above".

My realisation got worse, when I automatically starting compiling my list on Excel. My friendship with Excel goes along way ... but it is no way to keep track of my 29 things.

Over the days I contacted a number of close family and friends to help get me the most "exciting" list possible. Please note that exciting is inverted commas, as this list is relative. The things on this list excite me ... they may not excite you! 

So firstly a big thank you for all those who helped me come up with my 29 things ... especially those people who allowed me to steal elements of their own lists!

Over the 16 months I aim to complete all of these activities, and this blog will help you keep track of it ... for now drum roll please ... the list is to be revealed!

In no particular order:

1. Do the Three Peaks Challenge - i.e. conquer the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales within 24 hours. All set to do this on June 21st 2013 - well not exactly set. Training is yet to commence ... Charity not yet announced! 

2. Do a fundraiser for British Heart Foundation - cycling from London to Brighton ... can't do this in 2013 as its a week before Three Peaks ... so this will have to wait for June 2014. Probably a good thing as I don't even own a bike

3. Climb the o2 (the late Millennium Dome) - yes thats right I am going to, at some point in the next 16 months climb the big egg in South East London. I don't know why, I just am going to do it!

4. Go to the Niagara Falls - if you know me well you will know I love waterfalls. Beautiful! I want to go and see what in my opinion is the most beautiful waterfall in the world. 

5. Visit Stonehenge - yes this is the one that gets the most "really" comments. Yes really. I want to go and see it. I don't know if I missed a school trip to Stonehenge or something, and for sure no one ever says to me lets do that for a day trip. All I know is that I have seen some amazing pictures of Stonehenge in the sunrise, or even with a full moon. Not sure what time of day I am going to go but it is now on the list ...
On a another note, my clever or not so clever phone thinks I am on my way to Stonehenge now has just beeped and scared the living daylights out of me ... all to tell me it is 99 minutes away from my current location. Good to know!

6. Go to Las Vegas - and not gamble all my money away ... may incorporate this with my trip to the falls. Its going to be a family holiday ... when - i don't know.

7. Go to a Festival - T in the Park, V Festival, Glastonbury ... any festival I don't mind ... this will also mean I get to buy my first wellies.

8. Own my own house - not completely as I will still have a mortgage but move into a house that is under my name. We are nearly there on this one ... as my estate agent has been telling me since September 2012 we are just crossing the T's and dotting the I's. 

9. Do the full 60 day Insanity programme - damn you Shaun T you will not break me!!! I will do this and I will get that damn T Shirt ... for those who don't know what Insanity is ... you are better off that way. I think this is one I am going to do on my own unless there is anyone who would love to sweat and swear with me for 60 days! Dig Deeper ...

10. Swim with Dolphins ... today I got told I can do this in Vegas. I doubted the informant - however, my best friend Mr Google told me I definitely can swim with dolphins in Vegas! Brilliant 

11. Eat at a Michelin Star Restaurant - like all the above isn't going to make me bankrupt, I might as well add this to the list. Still haven't decided on which restaurant, however considering I was nearly sick after eating Truffle a few months ago, I don't know if I will actually enjoy this experience. I'd rather go to Nandos

12. See Paris at night  - there is a story behind this. I have always wanted to go to Paris, not that I haven't been before. I have been several times as a child, done Bhangra in the car park for Disneyland Paris, seen the Eiffel Towers etc etc. However, me being me, this isn't enough. I want to go as an adult, I want to enjoy the most romantic city in the world, through the eyes of a 28/29 year old and not as a 11 year old. So I have waited for most of my twenties to be whisked away to the city of love, all in vain. So hell with the men ... I am going to Paris ...

13. Complete a 1000 piece jigsaw - *yawn*
Do I need to write something about this? Really? *yawn*. Jigsaws never have and I doubt ever will interest me. However, this list is about doing something different. So a Jigsaw and a rug has been ordered ... God Help Me!!! 

14. Go to a Manchester United Match - at home! I don't like football, I really don't like it. I can pretend I like it ... for about 5 minutes. I support United because my Pops did, then because I found Beckham, soon after him I found Ronaldo, and since then I have completely lost interest. My only football match was in Wembley - England v USA. I only went for two reasons, watch Becks play and to see the stadium, and I couldn't think of a worse ordeal - I was cold and bored! I am now going to willingly pay and drive to Manchester to support my "team" (I can only name one current player Giggs). Before I go I will learn the offside rule *yawn* and all the united players *yawn*

15. Ride a motorbike - I haven't completely thought this one through yet - I also think my mum will now think I have taken this list too far.

16. Take part in La Tomatina - thank god I have two holiday calendars at work to do all of these as there seems to a number of holidays! Oh wells the joys of growing old ... I get to jump and throw tomatoes. The last Wednesday of August 2013 - fingers crossed I will be there. Anyone up for a 
road trip to Spain?

17. Teach children English in under privileged country - I can't say a lot about this yet, as I am not 100% sure. Will update as soon as I know more!

18. Complete a 365 Photography Project - this I believe is actually going to be the hardest. As much as I love photography, taking a picture a day and make it interesting for the audience can get hard. I will attempt, and I hope you enjoy the pictures. This will start on the 28th June 2013 ... this blog will have photo updates ... 365 of them to be precise.

19. Hold a snake ... so far on this list this is one I think that I won't do! I don't want to talk about this and if you really want to come and see this and me screaming and hyperventilating I will be selling tickets, this is definitely one not to miss!

20. Watch IMBD 20 top films - whilst doing my 1000 piece jigsaw. I can say I have only seen three of these and they I love them ... Shawshank, Matrix and Inception. Am shocked that Green Mile isn't on this list and not sure I really want to watch Lord of the Rings or Star Wars but its on the list and I will watch them ... anyone who may have the DVDs please let me know

Rank Rating Title
1 9.2 The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
2 9.2 The Godfather (1972)
3 9 The Godfather: Part II (1974)
4 8.9 Pulp Fiction (1994)
5 8.9 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
6 8.9 12 Angry Men (1957)
7 8.9 The Dark Knight (2008)
8 8.9 Schindler's List (1993)
9 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
10 8.8 Fight Club (1999)
11 8.8 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
12 8.8 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
13 8.8 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
14 8.7 Inception (2010)
15 8.7 Goodfellas (1990)
16 8.7 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)
17 8.7 Seven Samurai (1954)
18 8.7 Forrest Gump (1994)
19 8.7 The Matrix (1999)
20 8.7 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

21. Hadrian Wall - Radha and I are walking 26 miles for Macmillian Cancer Support in July 2013 ... lots of steep ups and downs, and wherever Radha and I are there will definitely be a lot of laughs! If you would like to join us, drop me a message ...








29. This has to be the biggest one for me - emotionally physically and mentally! Hold your breaths, especially if you know me well. For the next 16 months I am going to give up ... CRISPS!!! This isn't easy as anyone who works with me can tell you ... I am addicted to crisps. I could have a staple diet of crisps ... In fact right now I am craving crisps! Why o Why????

22 down and 7  more to think about ... thinking?!?

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