Wednesday 20 February 2013

13 ... Complete a 1000 piece Jigsaw

I have picked up my 1000 piece jigsaw, and the list has officially kicked off ... my lovely cousin brought home a jigsaw of the Taj Mahal and a Puzzle Roll, which I picked up this evening. Exciting! Even though this is one of my lists that I think I am going to find boring, I feel like a little child opening my Christmas presents.

It all looks a bit daunting though, the pieces are very small ... but here goes the first challenge is starting right now!!! I just need to find a damn corner ...

I will uploads pictures of it as soon as I work out how! 

In the meantime here my little mention to the FunHouse Toy Store - if you ever in Eastcote pay my cousin and his fab shop a little visit at 107 Field End Road, HA5 1QG ... you can buy toys for all ages even those who are aged 28 and above!

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